Following the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) used by frontline personnel was reported to upsurge by two to ten times, resulting in a major shortage of PPE supply.
In response to the distress over the PPE shortage in Malaysia, AXA AFFIN Life Insurance Berhad as part of its Corporate Responsibility programme, is organizing a crowdfunding campaign namely – AXA AFFIN “Smash the Curve” COVID-19 Fund Raising Campaign. Running from now up till 15 May, 2020 via a crowdfunding platform – PitchIN, this campaign aims to raise RM150,000 collectively.
The funds will be used to procure the essential PPE such as overall suit, surgical face mask, disposable face shield, examination gloves and medical equipment for frontliners. The funds raised will be treated with full transparency with contributions and expenditures fully accounted for. The beneficiary will be shared at the end of the campaign.

“In unprecedented times like this, we should take a proactive role as a corporate citizen to provide valuable assistance and protection not only to our customers and employees but also extending protection to what matters most to our society now. Our courageous frontliners – healthcare workers, police officers, soldiers and volunteers, are putting their lives on the line. They are working intensely around the clock battling with the deadly virus while keeping us safe at home. Their heroic leadership is highly lauded and it is now our turn to keep them safe against this threat with sufficient PPE,”
said Rohit Nambiar, Chief Executive Officer of AXA AFFIN Life Insurance.
He further added,
“Heartfelt thanks to all our frontliners for their commitments and sacrifices. We should do our part, either by contributing to the AXA AFFIN COVID-19 Fundraising campaign or strictly adhere to the Restricted Movement Order and not adding additional stress to our healthcare system.”
Public can make a contribution at at any amount. Minimum donation starts from RM5. Now is the time for all Malaysians to come together, break the chain and eventually smash the curve.