Hong Leong Bank (HLB) is organising its “Can You Hack It” hackathon focused on re-imagining banking experiences through hyper-personalisation and the metaverse.
This fully physical hackathon will be open to Malaysian residents where participants who are interested in joining should form a three-member team and choose one problem statement to solve.
HLB said that participants are expected to create unique and personalised customer experiences that exploit the full potential of what the metaverse has to offer to drive increased customer engagement and stickiness.
The top forty teams who make it to the semi-finals will have the chance to work with and be mentored by senior executives from HLB, Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), Malaysian Research Accelerator for Technology & Innovation (MRANTI), Malaysian Business Angel Network (MBAN), CRADLE, JomHack Malaysia and potentially other key players in Malaysia’s Metaverse space as well.
Selected finalists will have the opportunity to present their prototype to a panel of Hong Leong Bank senior executives as well as judges from the digital and fintech industries.
From a total of 10 finalist teams, the winner will receive RM10,000 cash along with a trophy and a winner’s certificate, followed by RM5,000 and RM2,500 for the first and second runners-up, respectively. There will also be a RM500 consolation prize given to the remaining seven teams.
Finally, there is also RM500 in the form of special awards for ten special categories of winners.
The bank added that promising individuals or teams may be offered career opportunities at HLB or be invited to co-develop their prototype into a minimum marketable product (MMP).
Applications are now open until 17 October 2022.

Shailesh Grover, Chief Digital & Innovation Officer at Hong Leong Bank said,
“For the last few years, we have seen a lot of hype about the metaverse. As a result, there are more unknowns about its true potential, the relevant technologies and real customer value-creating use cases for the banking customer.
To dispel the myths and make sense of the new reality as it unfolds, we invite you to participate in this hackathon to collaboratively create innovative experiences in the metaverse for our customers – both individual and corporates”.